Cub Cadet Specialties


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Cub Cadet Starter generator  drive belt 3/8" X 31 11/16" PN/ IH-401960-R1

Fits Original thru 169

IH 401960 R1



Kubota Alternator/water pump drive belt 0.44" X 32.57" PN/ IH-1285654-C1 USE KB-15841-97010

782D, 882, 1512, 1572, 1772, 1782, 2182



Kubota Cooling Fan V belt 3/8" X 27" PN/ IH-1254976-C1 754-3022 USE 954-3022

782D 882 1512 1572 1772



PTO to deck belt 21/32 X 114 in. PN/ 754-3052 954-3052 HA-14439 IH-487046-R1

60" 374 mower decks



Rear electric PTO belt Set of 2 1/2 X 32 in. Replaces PN/ IH-140080-C91, 754-3012, 954-3012


Fits 982 through 2284 with rear electric PTO's

$14.00 Set


Cub Cadet Mule Drive PTO to Deck Belt 3/8 X 79 SL PN/ IH-117465-C1

Fits 44A 44", 50A 50" 3 Blade Deck

IH 117465 C1


Mower deck belt for 38, 42, 44, 48, 50A decks 3/8" X 80"PN/ IH-490489-R2

IH 490489 R2


AFTER MARKET Tiller Belt KIT for Quietline or Wide Frame Tractors 1/2" X 145"PN/ IH-61959-C1


Kit comes as shown with a Kevlar belt and 2 replacement mule drive pulleys to take the 1/2" belt

We tested this setup with over 15,000 ft. of tilling and the belt has held up great!

IH 61959 C1


Tiller Belt for narrow frame and wide frame Tractors 13/32" X 141.8" PN / IH-487045-R2

IH 487045 R2


Tiller Belt for Wide Frame Tractors 13/32" X 143.8"PN/ IH-549250-R1 549250 R1


Tiller Belt for 82 Series Tractors PN/ WM-63385 IH-135553-C1 WM-63385 CNH IH-492923-R2

5/8 wide x 153 15/16" Long

Also fits,
3142 Rotary Cutter - Built 1969-1975
48" Rotary Mower - Built 1968-1972


After market Tiller Belt for 82 Series Tractors PN/ WM-63385 IH-135553-C1 WM-63385 CNH IH-492923R2

5/8 wide x 154" Long

510471 BP151 135553C1 135563C1 579897R1 DD-1-653368 B151 B151/5L1540 1-653368 80911540 142416M1 834254M1 933245M1 2010498 P-1-653368 JXS7 9811710 9811800 JXS8

Also fits,
3142 Rotary Cutter - Built 1969-1975
48" Rotary Mower - Built 1968-1972


Tiller Belt for 82 Series Tractors PN/ WM-64852 USE IH-106819-C1

5/8 in. x 162-5/16 in. long

You use this one when installing a #1 or #2 and 2B tillers on 782 series and up

2 week lead time


Mower deck Spindle Drive belt PN/ IH-492103-R1

Fits Lo-Boy 3260 deck and 60 inch decks


Mower deck belt for 38, 42, 48 decks 3/8" X 75.5"PN/ IH-489397-R3 489397 R3

       38"  42" 3 Spindle Deck SN 218,010 to 400,000
48"  3 Spindle Deck SN 218,010 to 400,000


Drive belt for Hydraulic Lift Pumps PN/ IH-386160-R1 386160 R1

Fits 70, 71, 72, 100, 102, 104, 105, 122, 123, 124, 125



  Cogged timing belt for Original 2 spindle 38 inch timed mower decks PN/ IH-464860R2 IH-464860-R2


   Drive deck belt for Original mower decks PN/ IH-464351-R1 464351 R1


   Upper Tiller Large Pulley Belt - Gearbox to Tiller PN/ IH-487044-R1 USE IH-62235-C1

IH 487044 R1 USE IH 62235 C1


Belt for CC-36, CW36, CC-42, QA-36, QA-42 3/8" x 28" PN/ IH-487043-R1

IH 487043 R1


 OEM Main Drive Belt For Cadet Tractors 700 thru 1650 PN/ IH-55053-C1

15/32 X 30"

Fits QA36A, QA42A, 59M Shredder, Grinder-Built 1974-1977 Drive and Mounting -Built 1974 to 1977



59M shredder belt 1/2 in. X 30 in. Replaces PN/ IH-59636-C1 for the 59M shredder

This belt may or may not fit your application, so please measure pulley to pulley to see.



 Drive belt for Original 3/8" X 31 1/2" PN/ IH-376230-R1 IH 376230 R1



Cadet 60 forward drive belt PN/ IH-487994-R1 487994 R1

NLA from Cub Cadet


450 451 Snow blower Main Drive V Belt PN/ 754-0340 USE 954-0340  5/8 x 84 in.



448 551 Snow blower 825 Rear Mount Tiller Belt PN/ 754-0341 USE 954-0341 5/8 x 89"



Haban snowblower / thrower cogged drive V-Belt Replaces  PN/ IH-1254788-C1 21/32" x 38"

Fits H42 H48 353 354 Snowblowers



OEM Snow thrower Main Drive Belt PN/ IH-78056-C1

Fits QA36A, QA42A Snow Throwers On 482 thru 782 Tractors



Cub Cadet Original PTO to Deck Belt 1/2" x 82" PN/ IH 464362 R1 USE 954-0226

Fits 38" 2 spindle timed deck.


Belt for 38" mower decks With or W/O cast iron ends 1/2 in. x 72 in. PN/ IH-473468-R2 use 954-3002

IH 473468 R2


Deck to PTO belt for 44C and 50C decks 5/8" x 89 1/2" PN/ IH135469 C1 754-3003A 954-3003A 754-3003


Mower deck belt for 44" decks 1/2" X 77 1/2" PN/ IH-59701-C1 754-3004 Use 954-3004


Mower deck belt for 50" decks 1/2" X 85 1/2" PN/ 754-3005 Use 954-3005


OEM Mower deck belt 1/2" X 68.5" PN/ 754-3011 use 954-3011



Mower deck belt for 42" cast end deck 1/2 X 77 in. PN/ 477599 R2 IH-477599-R2


Mower and Final Drive belt 1/2 X 67.5 PN/ 56235-C1, 754-3009, 954-3009, IH-56235-C1, IH-56629-C1 IH-549822-R1 754-3009 USE 954-3009

76 81 111 182 382 Gear & 383 Hydro and 265 walk behinds


Mower deck belt for 44" decks 1/2" X 86"PN/ 754-3027 USE 954-3027


Mower deck to PTO belt 1/2 in. X 59 PN/ 754-3029 USE 954-3029

Fits 1610, 1620, 213 38" Mower, 2130, 2135, 2146 391 36" Mower, 392 44" Mower,
441 38" Mower, 446 46" Mower, LT2138 Tractor


Mower deck to PTO belt 1/2 in. X 58 1/2 PN/ 754-3030 USE 954-3030

Fits 363 38" Mower 190-363-100


Mower mule drive belt for 60 inch decks 97.5 long PN/ 754-3051 Use 954-3051A


Mower deck belt for 60" decks 93.7 long  PN/ 754-3023 Use 954-3023

Fits 318 44" and 374 60" decks


Mower deck belt 1/2 X 66 PN/ 754-3050 USE 954-3050

Fits 320 decks - 42 inch


Mower deck belt for 60" decks 21/32 X 114 PN/ IH-487046-R1 HA-14439 754-3052 Use 954-3052


Mower deck belt 153 in. long  PN/ 754-3079 USE 954-3079

Fits Z48 machines


Deck belt for non-QA 48" mower decks (63-68) 1/2  X 83  PN/ IH-481099-R2


Original Cadet Mower deck belt 3/8" X 85"PN/  478881 R3 IH-478881-R3


Mower deck belt for QA48" decks 1969-up 1/2" X 80"PN/ 489399 R1 IH-489399-R1


 Deck belt for non-QA 48" mower decks (63-68) 1/2" X 83" PN/ IH-481099-R2 481099 R2


OEM Mower deck belt for 44, 44A, 50, 50A decks 3/8" X 78" PN/ IH-59971-C1  59971 C1

86, 108, 109, 128, 129, 149, 169, 800, 1000, 1200, 1250, 1450, 1650


Deck to PTO belt for 38, 38C, 42, 48 decks decks 3/8" x 81"PN/ 473462 R4 IH-473462-R4


Mower deck belt for 50" decks 21/32 X 93 in.PN/ IH 135462 C1 USE 954-3006

Fits Super GT's  982 984 986  1912 1914 1872 1882 2072 and others W/359 Deck


Mower deck belt PN/ 754-3041 USE 954-3041

Fits 2000 Series lawn tractors W/48" deck


Drive belt for Original 3/8" X 31 1/2" PN/ IH-376230-R1 IH 376230 R1



Belt for 3" Speed Up Pulley above   1/2" X 30" Replaces PN/ IH-59636-C1 for the 59M shreder

This belt may or may not fit your application, so please measure pulley to pulley to see.



Belt for 3" Speed Up Pulley above   1/2" X 31"

This belt may or may not fit your application, so please measure pulley to pulley to see.



Main drive belt  PN/ IH-106492-C1

Fits 3160A 3 spindle decks 154 184 185 LO BOY 58 in. x 156 in.


Snow thrower Belt  PN/ IH-1254788-C1

Fits Haban H42 H48 353 354


 Independent power take off Belt PN/ IH-126292-C1

Fits 184 Lo Boy



Belt IH-140024-C1



  Belt IH-144409-C1 USE 954-3001


  Belt IH-464351-R1


  Deck spindle belt IH-478263-R91 Set of 2


3160 DECK 1969 - 1978 C-3 1960 - 1980


Belt IH-481099-R2 $42.42

Belt IH-487046-R1


Belt IH-488077-R1

Fits Cadet 50 and 75


  Belt IH-492102-R1

Fits- 3260 & 60 inch 3 SPINDLE DECK 1968 - 1976


Belt IH-527621-R1


Belts IH-527382-R91

Independent PTO 154 185 CUB LO BOY



 IH - Final Drive & Mower Belt  PN/ 954-3007 Use 754-3007

Fits 80, 282, 382, 383



 IH - Drive belt for Mower Deck PN/ IH-56235-C1

Fits 80, 81, 282



 IH - Clutch Drive Belt PN/ 754-3008 USE 954-3008

Fits 80, 282, 382, 383



IH - Tiller Belt for Quietline or Wide Frame Tractors 7/16" X 145"PN/ IH-61959-C1 SOLD OUT NLA

IH 61959 C1


IH - Tiller Belt for 82 Series Tractors PN/ WM-64852 USE IH-106819-C1 SOLD

5/8 in. x 162-5/16 in. long

You use this one when installing a #1 or #2 and 2B tillers on 782 series and up


Case IH Starter generator cogged belt 3/8" X 31 11/16" PN/ CNH 9845513

Fits Original thru 169

Replaces IH-401960-R1



   IH -   $0.00

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All others are replacement parts unless otherwise specified.
All parts come unpainted unless OEM Cub Cadet part, or noted otherwise

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Cub Cadet Specialties offers new and used vintage IH International Harvester Lawn mower, garden tractor parts, Cub Cadet Parts,
Diagrams, mowers, attachments and sell Genuine OEM parts for Cub Cadets

We also carry Kohler engine parts, OEM Seats, Brinly Sleeve hitch and Cat. 0 3 point hitches, Duff Norton electric lift parts,
Case IH and Cub Cadet paint and decals.

IH Cub Cadet Mufflers, exhaust system parts as well as drive clutch and PTO clutch parts.
Many NOS New Old Stock and hard to find Cub Cadet parts.

We also have many Exclusive parts not offered anywhere but on our site for Cub Cadets


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* Discounts only apply to the lower 48 States.